
Sunday 15 September 2013





We need your help.


On 5th September 2012 my younger brother passed away at a Hospital in the Midlands. The Pathology report says that my brother died from multi organ failure.

But the question is what brought on this multi organ failure? Everyone's organs will eventually give way. A letter accompanying the Pathologist's report reported the findings and opinions of 2 medical professionals (1*scientist and 1*pharmacist) stating that the level of Thiopental in his bloodstream was 7 times the amount needed to kill someone.




Thiopental is the primary drug used on death row in America. In December 2010 the UK banned its export to the US using restrictions under the European Union Torture Regulation as it was being used soley for execution by Lethal injection. In the UK it can be used in hospitals to place someone in an induced coma. My brother was given safe amounts of this drug for almost 5 months and then certain essential life saving medications were secretly taken away and this drug Thiopental was raised to a highly dangerous amount. He passed away within a number of days in an horrific and barbaric way. Certain procedures were not followed and a feeble attempt at resuscitation was given (1 chest compression). We were not informed that his life was coming to an end and certain professionals were under the assumption he was still being given life saving steroids to keep his body going.


The hospital held an internal investigation, not due to our complaint, but because someone internally raised an alarm that something was not right regarding my brothers treatment and our rights as a family to be informed. The response to our complaint was that everything was done to save my brother's life and that we had been kept fully informed. The response refers to 'discussions' we had regarding my brother's treatment. These conversations have been fabricated by someone.


We now need help finding someone to possibly represent us at the inquest and after the inquest. We have had many doors closed by solicitors who were looking at it from a Clinical Negligence point of view. This is NOT a clinical negligence case – this is a humanitarian case. Doctor/s played God in a clinical setting and intentionally planned my brothers demise. Outside of a clinical setting this is called murder. Duping colleagues and lying and doing things covertly without informing our family was all to do with money, budgets and targets. We were continually told how my brother’s treatment was expensive although this is not a criticism.


Unfortunately the legal profession only want to take on financially rewarding cases. People are worth more alive than dead. This case has echoes of the Harold Shipman case - deliberate overdoses. In the entirety of British criminal history, I understand, he is the only doctor who has been brought to justice and charged with murder. Even after Harold Shipman was charged with murder it took a further 10 days for him to be formally struck off The Medical Register.


What we need is someone that is willing to help and take this case on. Someone who has medical knowledge and someone working in the humanitarian field. My brother had a right to live and this right was taken away. Even at the time when we could see they began overdosing him, it was a Friday, we could not locate the decision makers who made no attempt to contact us (& who did not make themselves known to us) and, no one that would listen. There needs to be a shake up in the way the NHS is run.


If you can help please email me

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